광동제약은 첨단의약기술과 함께합니다.
번호 | 분류 | 학회지 | 논문 제목 | 저자명 | 게재연도 |
18 | 옥수수수염 | Food Suppl Biomater Health | Corn Silk Extract Prevents Carrageenan-Induced Inflammatory Edema |
구영태, 이상훈, 김진수 / 충남대 의대 이상도 교수 |
2022 |
17 | 비타민C | Journal of Food Science | A pilot study on the effect of formulation and individual muscle mass on vitamin C absorption in randomized clinical study | 구영태, 이상훈, 백동현, 심순미 교수 | 2022 |
16 | 비타민500 | European Journal of Nutrition | Vitamin C supplementation promotes mental vitality in healthy young. adults: results from a cross?sectional analysis and a randomized, double?blind, placebo?controlled trial | 구영태, 김진수 / 서울대 식영과 신동미 교수. |
2021 |
15 | 녹용 | Journal of Medicinal Food | Improvement of Fatigue Symptoms and Endurance Capacity by the Combined Administration of Cervus elaphus L., Angelica gigas Nakai, and Astragalus membranaceus Bunge. | 구영태, 김진수, 윤범식 | 2021 |
14 | 녹용 | Food Science of Animal Resources | Effect of deer antler extract on muscle differentiation and AICAR-induced muscle atrophy in C2C12 cells | 김진수, 윤범식 | 2021 |
13 | 녹용 | Journal of Medicinal Food | Evaluation of Estrogen Receptor Agonistic Activity of Medicinal Herbs Using Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Transactivation Assay with Rat Liver S9 Fraction | 구영태,김진수,이기원,윤범식 / 안동대 김준호 교수 |
2021 |
12 | 침향 | Journal of Life Science | Immunostimulatory Activity of Agarwood through Activation of MAPK Signaling Pathway in RAW 264.7 Murine Macrophages | 구영태, 김진수, 이기원, 노동진 / 동의한의대 최영현 교수 |
2021 |
11 | 녹용 | Journal of medicinal food | Improvement of Fatigue Symptoms and Endurance Capacity by the Combined Administration of Cervus elaphus L., Angelica gigas Nakai, and Astragalus membranaceus Bunge | 구영태, 김진수, 윤범식 / 고려대 식품생명공학과 김영준 교수 |
2021 |
10 | 녹용 | Food Science of Animal Resources | Effect of Deer Antler Extract on Muscle Differentiation and 5-Aminoimidazole-4- Carboxamide Ribonucleoside (AICAR)-Induced Muscle Atrophy in C2C12 Cells | 김진수, 윤범식 / 고려대 바이오시스템의과학부 서형주 교수 |
2021 |
9 | 녹용복합물 | Journal of Medicinal Food | Evaluation of Estrogen Receptor Agonistic Activity of Medicinal Herbs Using Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Transactivation Assay with Rat Liver S9 Fraction | 김진수, 윤범식, 이기원 / 안동대 식품생명공학과 김준호 교수 |
2021 |